-The ingredients stem: Steel No. 67 according to DIN Germany.

-Plating: With zinc plating (ZN) To increase anti-corrosion and anti-rust nails.

-Configuration tool tip: Domed.

-Soft rolled steel without alloy.

-Plated washer : Zinc plating with a thickness of 20 – 10 micrometers.


1- Cutting stuck with HVB model system consists of a concrete slab ceilings are combined with steel plate profiles.

2- To connect steel sheet beams, connected to each other and connect sheet steel cutting steel sheets and beams stuck HVB to be used.

-Full bracing peg rack level on the stem pin causes the iron in the body.

-ENP tools they need to shoot nails: DX76F15 , DX76 PTR ,DX860 –ENP ,DX600



